Welcome to Junior Netball- thanks for registering!
Welcome to our fun and friendly netball club. We look forward to seeing you at the courts. We have put together some information to help you understand what is next and what we have coming up to help you be prepared for the season.
What happens now?
We have the following uniform days to try-on and purchase uniforms:
8th February 2025- held at the Vost Park netball courts in Coffs Harbour. Time to be confirmed.
8th March 2025- held at Sawtell RSL. Time to be confirmed.
Our volunteers take on multiple tasks throughout the season, so we do encourage uniforms to be purchased during our designated uniform times, where we can give you our full attention. These times are also a chance to ask any questions or meet our team.
Uniform prices and options can be found here.
Merch prices and options can be found here.
For hoodies, polos, and warm jackets:
Order before Sun 9th February - Merch will arrive by 3rd March 2025
Order before Sun 2nd March - Merch will arrive by 31st March 2025
Order before Sun 13th April- Merch will arrive by12th May 2025
For Wet Weather Jackets:
Order by 2nd March- Jackets will arrive by 21st April 2025
15th March 2025 (grading games)
22nd March 2025 (grading games)
29th March 2025 (grading games)
5th April 2025 ROUND 1
The first 3 weeks are grading games. This is a process where teams are assessed and altered where required, in an effort to make teams as even as possible. This is Coffs Harbour Netball Associations way of making the competition as enjoyable as possible for all players. It is expected that players attend the grading games to help make this process possible. CHNA may request reasons why players have been unable to attend these games.
For more information about games times, please see our Junior Netball page.
Start Date: TBC
Training days are Thursday's. Times will be confirmed once teams are allocated to coaches, however they are usually 4.30pm or 5.30pm sessions.
Bare with us during the first few weeks, as we work on putting teams together. Teams will not be finalised until the first round of the competition. Each week during the grading process, we will update you on what training will look like. Whether it will be a combined club training night or if players will be going off in teams. We will also update you on which team your child will be playing in for the Saturday grading games.
Your child will have chosen1 friend they really want to play with for the season, as part of the registration. We do everything we can to achieve this. The only exception is Rep players, who we are unable to guarantee their preference due to the constitution requirements for Rep players to be spread out evenly between teams
For 12+ teams- Spreading out the shooters, defenders, centre court players, Rep players
Evening out the strength of each team
Adjusting teams as directed by the CHNA grading committee
Our main communication platform will be through our Whatsapp Community Group. You will be sent a link to join the Whatsapp chat within 7 days of registering. If you have not received your link to join by then, please email us.
Once teams are set, the coach/team manager will setup a chat for their team and you will be added.
For all other netball news, we encourage you to follow our Facebook or Instagram pages.
We also encourage you to follow Coffs Harbour Netball Associations Facebook or Instagram pages.
To successfully run our growing club, we rely on Sponsors. We know the true value of Sponsors and ensure it is a two-way relationship. If you own, work for, or know of a business who would be interested in Sponsoring our club, here are our packages.
We are open to ideas, and welcome volunteers who would like to help us run fundraising initiatives. We welcome you to contact us.
Our growing club means we need more coaches and team managers. You don't need to be an A grade player!
Our coaches are made up of people who love netball, care about kids, love helping kids with growth, and are supportive.
Our team managers are there to support the coaches and help organise anything the team needs.
If you can help with either of these, please email
We welcome anyone wishing to help run our club. We have a great committee that you would love working with, and we have the following positions available in our committee:
Fundraising Coordinator or volunteer. Ideally we would love multiple people taking on this role.
General Committee Member- helping with anything that comes up and help run our club. Rego days, uniform sales, fundraising initiative, helping answer questions, being a face at the courts for people to ask for assistance.